Mark 8:37
Interpertation: As I think back to about January 11th 2004, the day I got I got saved. I can't help but wonder what pricless gifts possibly could have given an exchange for my soul.
Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
I had a house I called home, a bed, a few toys a nintendo 64 etc. Even if I had given God all those things, it still wouldn't have been enough to redeem my soul. Now I think as far as talents go. I've never really been the most talented kid in the world, sure there was a few things that I was good at. Even I was good at a ton of things it still wouldn't be enough to redeem my soul.
Yet evin in all my simplemss. He loved me. I didn't to give ANYTHING an exchange For my soul. Jesus paid the price for me.
Through out the night I felt like God had kept asking me a simple question. "What are you giving back?" Then I heard Him say. " You have enough money to buy the things you think you want but none to give back?" A million thoughts thoughts went through my head (it's amazing how many thoughts can go through your head with in the blink of an eye) then He said "What about your talents I've given You, You have no excuse."
Then He brought to my attention 1 Corinthians 10:31 "Whether ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do all to the glory of God."
Application: I need to fully embrace God's love for me EVERYDAY
Monday, January 23, 2012
For Christ Sake
Mark 8:35
For whomsoever will save his life shall lose it, but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gosples, the same shall save it.
Interpretation: With in this verse these words had jumped out at me. "For my sake." when I re- read it I asked myself "Who's my audience?" Am I trying to please God or am I trying to please man?
I had to come to conclusion that more often then not, I find myself trying to please man rather then God. Sometimes I find myself seeking man's approval rather than pleasing God and giving Him all the glory He deserves.
Application: I need to seek to please the Lord in EVERYTHING that I do.
For whomsoever will save his life shall lose it, but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gosples, the same shall save it.
Interpretation: With in this verse these words had jumped out at me. "For my sake." when I re- read it I asked myself "Who's my audience?" Am I trying to please God or am I trying to please man?
I had to come to conclusion that more often then not, I find myself trying to please man rather then God. Sometimes I find myself seeking man's approval rather than pleasing God and giving Him all the glory He deserves.
Application: I need to seek to please the Lord in EVERYTHING that I do.
Daily with one accord.
Acts 2:46
intetpertation: I remember going to football practic, putting on pads and getting ready for practice. This was the beginnin 2- a- days. It was going to be a really long and tough week. The only way the whole team was going to get thoru was if we continued daily with one accord. We had to each do our part and one goal to finish as a team.
It's the same thing with the ignite program, somedays are going to be harder them others. Some days are going to be easier to quit then others. But, we have to continue daily with one accord to reach our goal.
application: To pray that God gives me streagnth to continue daily.
intetpertation: I remember going to football practic, putting on pads and getting ready for practice. This was the beginnin 2- a- days. It was going to be a really long and tough week. The only way the whole team was going to get thoru was if we continued daily with one accord. We had to each do our part and one goal to finish as a team.
It's the same thing with the ignite program, somedays are going to be harder them others. Some days are going to be easier to quit then others. But, we have to continue daily with one accord to reach our goal.
application: To pray that God gives me streagnth to continue daily.
Complete Selflessness
Acts 2:45
and they sold their possesions and goods, and parted them to all, as every man had need.
they sold their posessions and goods! and parted them to ALL men! two words kept bugging me is I kept re-reading it, "Completley Selfless"They parted them to all men! Not just some, or a select few but to all. It didn't matter to them wheter or not that person is weird, they just gave.
Second thought was, "what were they giving for? Were they giving to get or giving to just give? From what it sounds like they gave just to give. They gave to all men. Sometimes I am so quick to serve or give or give to someone I think will give me something in return, but I really need to just serve and give just to give.
Application To strive for complete selflessness!
and they sold their possesions and goods, and parted them to all, as every man had need.
they sold their posessions and goods! and parted them to ALL men! two words kept bugging me is I kept re-reading it, "Completley Selfless"They parted them to all men! Not just some, or a select few but to all. It didn't matter to them wheter or not that person is weird, they just gave.
Second thought was, "what were they giving for? Were they giving to get or giving to just give? From what it sounds like they gave just to give. They gave to all men. Sometimes I am so quick to serve or give or give to someone I think will give me something in return, but I really need to just serve and give just to give.
Application To strive for complete selflessness!
Seizing oppurtunity.
Acts 2:43
And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles',
Interpretation: Think about it, God had used a small group of men to start a revival. The first thought that came to kmind was. "wow, we server the same God now as they did back then." then I thought." What is stoping God, from doing the same thing he did back then, now?" Or better yet was stopping us from taking the first step? God wants to use you but are you willing to be used? First, it was their desicion to get saved, then it was there deiscion, to follow. It reminds me of what Pastor Mike said. " He doesn't just give you wings, you got to jump first then He gives wings."
Application: I need to seize every oppurtunity I am given, and not let everything just happen.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Continue steadfast Acts 2:42
Acts 2:42 and they comtinued steadfastly in the apsotles' doctrine and fellowship, and in Breaking of bread, and in prayer.
Interpertation: In the previous verse the bible mentions a revival, basically 3,000 plus souls were saved. Now that right there is amazing in it of its self. But, then we see in Acts 2:42 they continued, they didn't just stop when only one thing amazing happened. They continued to grow (fellowhisp), remember what Jesus had done, and they became prayer warrior. They didn't just stop between the altar and the door, they lived it out stedfastly.
Application: I need to continued steadfasly
Interpertation: In the previous verse the bible mentions a revival, basically 3,000 plus souls were saved. Now that right there is amazing in it of its self. But, then we see in Acts 2:42 they continued, they didn't just stop when only one thing amazing happened. They continued to grow (fellowhisp), remember what Jesus had done, and they became prayer warrior. They didn't just stop between the altar and the door, they lived it out stedfastly.
Application: I need to continued steadfasly
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